NTPC Family

04-03-2023 | read

"Talcher Thermal observed the Safety Day Celebration on 4th Mar 2023 with great enthusiasms. Dr Ramesh Kumar Behera, Deputy Director (Factory & Boiler) Angul, Division being the chief guest of the ceremony graced the occasion. All senior officials of TTPS including Sh. Gautam Deb, ED (TTPS), Sh. R. K. Singh, GM (Project), Sh. Kaushik Mandal, GM (O&M and Dismantling), Sh. Chander Shekhar GM (Construction), Sh. Deepak, GM (Engg) attended the programme.

The programme commenced with welcome speech by Sh. Deepak, GM (Engg.) and subsequently presenting a plant sapling to the chief guest Sh. R. K. Behera while welcoming at the stage. Programme further continued with NTPC song and Oath taking by all in three languages ie Odiya, Hindi & English. Safety officer of TTPS presented the annual report of Safety Deptt and highlighted the ongoing proactive measures in safety front for the Stage-III Construction & Erection activities.

Chief Guest Dr. Ramesh Kumar Behera, Dy. Director (F&B ) addressed the gathering of workers fraternity in regional language about safety related challenges in the forthcoming project activity and the mitigation measures in comprehending manner. Sh. Gautam Deb, ED (TTPS) also expressed the commitment level of NTPC management on Safety front and encouraged the complete audience to bringup any sort of Safety lapses or suggestion directly to NTPC officials without any hitch. He also proclaimed that NTPC is working on Mission Mode to achieve the target of Zero Harm.

Prizes were distributed to workers of different sub contracting agencies, Fire wing of CISF , CFT of Safety Audit Team etc as token of encouragement and contribution towards maintaining the highest level of Safe, Healthy and Environment friendly eco system of TTPS.

The programme concluded with vote of thanks.